Things are not always as they seem. Tonight was one of those situations. If you motored or hitched a ride to the starting line, you probably were placing bets whether there was going to be a race this night. But if you had bet on no race, you would have lost.
Thanks to the race committee of John McCarthy, Ken Blankenship, Doug Early, Jim Kingery, Bertrand, Betsy Culler, Manning, Tom, Beth, Morgan and Jay for the excellent job of waiting till the wind filled in and started the race. There was some confusion among the Cruisers about where they were in the starting order if the race was postponed. We did have some outstanding performances tonight. In the High Cruiser fleet, Maggie Mae put a crimp in Wind Spinners sails, while Lamorak after winning this week has moved into the top 3 of the Melges 24 fleet. In the Mid PHRF fleet, Super Bueno sailed an awesome race beating Breakaway by 8 seconds (ET), while Cinderella rose from the ashes and once again trounced the J-24 fleet. The big boats in the High PHRF fleet, Firefly, Strega and Hope are fighting over the second spot in their fleet. See you on the race course, Dana _________________________________________________________________ Comments are closed.
Results by Month
September 2024
Results by YearScorekeeperDana Stewart | She Devil |