It was obvious from the comments at dinner that Wheeler Sutton, Caroline Speir, Greyson Emory, Kyle Meyhoefer, Davis Macleod, and Dona Cardenas made an excellent enchilada casserole and southwest salad this evening. A big thank you to Jo Ann Estes and April Macleod for keeping everything warm while everyone went out sailing in this summer race.
I applaud race committee for their unique course and the announcements. I notice it is getting harder and harder to get close enough to the barge to see the course without interfering in another fleet’s start. Speaking of starts, you can tell that competition is getting close because the starts are getting tougher. RC recorded that there was a boat over early in three different fleets. Thank you race committee of Bailey White, David Wright, Daniel Postell, Carol Reddaway, Nadia Schenck, Dave and John Antweiller for this evening’s race. Interesting developments in the Melges 24 fleet, Area 51 flew to a win. While Breeze aka “the Red Baron” fought off the other J-24’s to become the “Ace” this week. In the battle of the 22’s, we have a new winner in High PHRF fleet with Tedd Meinersmann in his Lindenberg 22. Instigator II has successfully pushed the crown off of the head of Impetuous in the Low Cruiser fleet. There are coming to get you, Greg Cash!! Stay dry and see you next week on the race course, Dana ________________________________________________________________ I apologize for the tardiness of posting scores, there have been a couple of glitches in the overall scores that I have been working on solving and will post as soon as possible.
What an exciting evening. Once again Mother Nature was waving around her storm stick, but at least she gave the excellent 8+ knots of wind that picked up as the race proceeded and the RC managed to finish the race just before the rain and storm hit. Thank you race committee of Mike Stewart, Spencer Gay, Randy Baker, Norm Barnes (hope spelled right) and Caden Boullen for this great night of sailing. It looked like a tight race in High PHRF fleet between Strega and One Over 8, while the NEW GUY in the J-24 fleet scored another win (does he have tiny ducks under his boat paddling away). Meraki, Griffin and Valkyrie fought for the top spot in our most active fleet of Mid PHRF and Magic Fly challenged Renegade in the Low PHRF fleet. Rapscallion and Uncle! Uncle! with only 4 seconds between them had the closest race of the night in the Melges 24 fleet, while in the High Cruiser fleet it was Wind Spinner taking the horn. Don't forget the great dinner that Wheeler Sutton and crew have planned for us next week after race 5. See you on the race course, Dana P.S. If anyone else would like to receive these emails, please tell them to send their email to me and I will add to the list. Same goes if you would like to be removed. ______________________________________________________________ THE PATIENCE OF SAINTS. I believe this would describe race committee this week. They were willing to wait and let Mother Nature do her thing. Thanks to Davis Macleod, Kyle Meyhoefer, Wheeler Sutton and Lily Vigtel for going the extra mile and waiting for the lovely wind that filled in for this evening of racing.
We had some great racing this evening. Revelry broke into the top spot of the Low Cruiser fleet while Starcatcher in his first race of the series snatched the top spot in the High Cruiser fleet. Perpetual Motion and Griffin battled for first place in the Mid (and most popular) PHRF fleet but the Old Salt, Perpetual Motion, sailed to the win by 8 corrected seconds. Great sailing guys!! She-Devil managed to fly to the finish line in front of THE NEW GUY in the J-24 fleet and Strega was top dog (or should I say Witch) in the High PHRF fleet. A big thanks to Jonathan Stewart for the fantastic Sloppy Joe dinner with an even bigger thanks to Debbie and Mike Stewart for taking care of the clean up afterward. I hope everyone got a piece of Tiffany’s birthday cake. It is my understanding that at our next dinner (in 2 weeks, Race 2-5) Wheeler Sutton and crew will be volunteering to make dinner for us. I like their volunteer spirit. See you on the race course, Dana ___________________________________________________________ Mother Nature was being very capricious this evening. She has been waving her thunderstick around and no one knew what she would do this evening. We set up a cautious course for the possibility of nasty weather but in the end no foul weather and lots of beautiful breeze on this beautiful moonlit night.
A big thanks to Pete Winham who set up the course for the evening. Here is the order of the finishes: Jonathan Stewart- Bill the Cat Will Thran- Super Bueno Bailey White- Griffin Jim Chambers- Wind Spinner Spencer Gay- Revelry Norman Plotkin- Starcatcher Pete Winham- Southern Cross Just a reminder that the last Moonlight race will be Sat, Aug 13. See you on the race course, Dana ______________________________________________________________ |
Results by Month
September 2024
Results by YearScorekeeperDana Stewart | She Devil |