Alright y'all this one isn't a fun one. I choose to make tonight an example, but that does not mean that similar situations have not occurred in previous weeks.
If you read my race reviews, you may recognize the following excerpt: "If you haven't noticed, the sport of sailing is pretty much run entirely by volunteers. It's really a special thing. So acknowledge them at every moment you can, and when you get your chance to give back, don't let it slip away." This excerpt is from Race 7. It was designed to encourage more people to volunteer, and more people to thank and praise volunteers. Last night I heard a lot of bickering and it wasn't warranted. Our race committee last night was willing to sub in at late notice and was relatively inexperienced on the barge. Nonetheless, they got us a great race course set. In the non-cruising classes we had a beautiful windward and leeward leg. It wasn't a reaching course, it was about as upwind/downwind as you can get. Sure, maybe not everything went perfectly, but I think they did a great job, especially considering their minimal RC experience. The biggest issue I saw last night was: y'all chose to criticize our wonderful RC team for the starting order, because it was not what you were used to. I know it may be frustrating when things do not go according to plan, however: SI 7.2 states: "The RC may combine or split Fleet starts at its discretion." So pay attention. I know that the RC posted the starting order on their board, as well as put the fleet flags up according to this posting. There were definitely opportunities to know when your start was. If you want to complain about the procedure in the future: Do it via the right channels. File for redress. However DO NOT. I repeat: DO NOT take your frustration out on the volunteers that provide a racing experience or food for you on a Wednesday night. The J22 I sail on Wednesday night is called Highlander. My Dad named it after the 1986 movie because the biggest piece of advice from the movie is "Don't lose your head." My Dad, like any other boat owner, was not always the best at this. However, I have found it to be a very beneficial piece of advice on my boat and when sailing on other boats. It keeps the boat moving fast and helps you avoid silly mistakes. In the future, before you lose your head at RC, another boat, or other volunteers, ensure you've done everything absolutely perfect. Never lose your head and blame a volunteer before you blame yourself Our volunteers give up their own opportunities to race, time at the regatta party, time with their friends on the dock, time with their families at home, sleep and more to allow you to race every week. So please, be appreciative first and critical later. This week, we ALL need to thank the RC team led by Bo Scott and Bob Morris, and the cooking team led by Wheeler Sutton, including Caroline Speir, Linda Cellamare, Davis MacLeod, and Will Brown. Let me know if there are corrections needed to the scores. I'm sure I've put my foot in my mouth in some way here, and if I have, I apologize. However, please show nothing but thanks and support to our volunteers in the future. Thank You, Kyle _________________________________________________________ Comments are closed.
Results by Month
September 2024
Results by YearScorekeeperDana Stewart | She Devil |